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About our Dedicated division
By far our most popular division! Any time we have an opening within our dedicated lanes, it usually gets filled quickly. Whether it's relay or the same daily route, the lanes consist of mostly local and regional run areas, all with 53' dry vans. We're proud to have maintained partnerships with companies like Post Consumer Brands and Andersen Windows.
Out Time
Depends on the lane and location, but it can vary from home daily to home weekly depending on customer needs.
Medical, dental, vision, life, HSA, 401(k) with matching, long and short-term disability, paid time off.
Depends on the lane, but will either be a set hourly/daily rate or 55 CPM base pay. Reviews are every six months.
Steady and consistent with 80% drop and hook loads — you'll never have any hazmat or touch freight.
Newer Volvos and Freightliners with smart TVs, refrigerators, and inverters. We also offer lease purchase.
& More
Pet and rider policies, no-cost Samsara, referral bonus incentive, and numerous driver appreciation programs.